Practice Exercise 5.A
Logic Syntax

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1: Background Reading

2: Learning Goals

  • Verify whether a logical statement belongs to the language of propositional definite clauses.
  • Verify whether an interpretation is a model of a PDCL KB.
  • Model a relatively simple domain with PDCL.

3: Directed Questions

In propositional definite clause logic (PDCL),
  1. What is an atom? Give the definition and an example from a domain of your choice.

  2. What is a body? Give the definition and an example from a domain of your choice.

  3. What is a definite clause? Give the definition and an example from a domain of your choice.

  4. What is a knowledge base? Give the definition and an example with four clauses from a domain of your choice.

  5. What is an interpretation of a knowledge base KB? Give the definition and an example for your KB.

  6. What is a model of a knowledge base KB? Give the definition and an example for your KB.

4: Syntax

Which of the following rules are syntactically invalid in propositional definitive clause logic, and why?
  1. bikeCrashed ← cycledDrunk

  2. goByBus ∨ goByCar ← bikeBroke

  3. goByBus ← ¬haveGas ∨ bikeBroke

5: Learning Goals Revisited

  • Verify whether a logical statement belongs to the language of propositional definite clauses.
  • Verify whether an interpretation is a model of a PDCL KB.
  • Model a relatively simple domain with PDCL.

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