Practice Exercise 8.A

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1: Background Reading

2: Learning Goals

  • Represent a planning problem with the STRIPS representation.
  • Explain the STRIPS assumption.

3: Directed Questions

  1. The STRIPS representation for an action consists of what?

  2. What is the STRIPS assumption?

  3. What is the frame problem in planning? How does it relate to the STRIPS assumption?

  4. What are some key limitations of STRIPS?

4: STRIPS Planning

Consider a scenario where you want to get from home (off campus) to university during a bus strike. You can either drive (if you have a car) or bike (if you have a bike). How would you represent this in STRIPS?
  1. What are the actions, preconditions and effects? What are the relevant variables?

  2. If we select the action goByBike, what is the value of haveBike after the action has been carried out?

  3. If we are at university and and select the action goByCar, what will the value of loc be after the action has been carried out?

5: Learning Goals Revisited

  • Represent a planning problem with the STRIPS representation.
  • Explain the STRIPS assumption.

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