Tools for Learning Artificial Intelligence


These tools are for learning and exploring concepts in artificial intelligence. They were developed at the Laboratory for Computational Intelligence at the University of British Columbia under direction of Alan Mackworth and David Poole. They are part of the online resources for Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents. If you are teaching or learning about AI, you may use these tools under the terms of use. Feedback is welcome.

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These tools were designed and written by Saleema Amershi, Nicole Arksey, Mike Cline, Wesley Coelho, André Gagné, Byron Knoll, Janine Li, Kevin O'Neill, Mike Pavlin, Kyle Porter, Joseph Roy Santos, Shinjiro Sueda, Leslie Tung, Audrey Yap, and Regan Yuen, under the guidance of Giuseppe Carenini, Cristina Conati, Peter Gorniak, Holger Hoos, Jacek Kisyński, Alan Mackworth, and David Poole.

Copyright © 1999 - 2010 S. Amershi, N. Arksey, G. Carenini, M. Cline, W. Coelho, C. Conati, A Gagné, P. Gorniak, H. Hoos, J. Kisyński, B. Knoll, J. Li, A. Mackworth, K. O'Neill, M. Pavlin, D. Poole, K. Porter, J. Santos, S. Sueda, L. Tung, A. Yap, and R. Yuen.

For questions about the overall AIspace project please email Email for questions about the tools and for comments about the website.

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