STRIPS to CSP converter
version 4.0.4
Click here to start the tool using Java Web Start. If you are having problems running the tool, ensure that you have the latest version of Java installed and that it is enabled in your browser. This can be acquired from Sun's Java website.

A STRIPS problem is a planning problem that views the world as a set of variables and actions upon them. A problem is solved when a series of actions can be found that will lead to a Goal assignment of values to variables from a Start assignment. The STRIPS to CSP converter allows for the graphical creation of a STRIPS problem and then the conversion of said problem into a CSP for solving.

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This tool was written by Andre Gagne with help from Leslie Tung, Mike Cline, Holger Hoos, Peter Gorniak, Cristina Conati, Alan Mackworth, and David Poole.

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