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Creating a Dataset:
There are two ways to acquire a dataset to build a decision tree for:
- You can create a new dataset and input data examples. If you wish to
create a new dataset, see the detailed help section on this topic (Tutorial
- You
can load a sample dataset.
To load a sample dataset:
- Click "Load Sample Dataset" from the
"File" menu.
- Select a dataset from the drop-down menu and click
- Click the "View/Edit Examples" button near the top of the left-side
control panel to view and manipulate the examples in the data set. This opens a dialog window that can be used
to add examples, remove examples, and transfer examples between the
training set (left side) and the test set (right side). Make sure
there are several examples in the test set before proceeding to build
the decision tree.
Creating and Testing a Decision Tree:
Now that you have a dataset ready, select the "Solve" tab at the top of
the message panel (below the toolbar). There are two ways to build a decision
- This can be done
automatically by clicking the "Step" button until the tree is complete.
- Alternatively, you can use the "Split Node" option from the tool bar menu to construct the tree
The other node options: "View Node Information," "View
Mapped Examples," and "Toggle Histogram" can be used to gain
information about the data at a particular node to guide your splitting.
Before or anytime during the construction a decision tree, you may wish to click the "Show
Plot" button to view the changes in training set and test set error as
the tree is built.
Once the decision tree is built, you can now test your decision tree to see how well it could
classify the test examples. This will open a
window that shows which examples were correctly predicted, which were
incorrectly predicted, and those for which the tree cannot make a
prediction. The pie chart at the bottom provides a quick indication
of the decision tree's performance.