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1: Predicate Logic
Open the deduction tool. Go to the File menu and select "Load Sample Knowledge Base" and select "An electrical system." Practice making observations and then querying the knowledge base.
2: Our Doping System
We've been hired by the organizers of the Tour de France to enforce anti-doping measures for
all cyclists and teams. We have been instructed to suspend any team that has a member with
a doping violation. A cyclist is considered to have a violation if he has tested positive for EPO
or tested positive for synthetic testosterone. We consider a test result to be positive if both the
first sample and second sample return positive. A cyclist will also receive a violation if they miss
a test.
Using the deduction tool, write a short set of axioms to define the problem as described in the
preceding paragraph, and test the system by running queries to ensure that it works. [solution] You should
use the following predicates, where [x] tells you how many parameters the predicate requires:
- suspendTeam[1]
- hasMember[2]
- hasViolation[1]
- testPositive[2]
- firstPositive[2]
- secondPositive[2]
- missedTest[1]