Practice Exercise 8.A

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1: Background Reading

2: Learning Goals

  • Represent a planning problem with the STRIPS representation.
  • Explain the STRIPS assumption.

3: Directed Questions

  1. The STRIPS representation for an action consists of what? [solution]

  2. What is the STRIPS assumption? [solution]

  3. What is the frame problem in planning? How does it relate to the STRIPS assumption? [solution]

  4. What are some key limitations of STRIPS? [solution]

4: Exercise: Bus Strike

Consider a scenario where you want to get from home (off campus) to university during a bus strike. You can either drive (if you have a car) or bike (if you have a bike). How would you represent this in STRIPS?
  1. What are the actions, preconditions and effects? What are the relevant variables? [solution]

  2. If we select the action goByBike, what is the value of haveBike after the action has been carried out? [solution]

  3. If we are at university and and select the action goByCar, what will the value of loc be after the action has been carried out? [solution]

5: Learning Goals Revisited

  • Represent a planning problem with the STRIPS representation.
  • Explain the STRIPS assumption.

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