Belief Network Applet
How did you learn to use the applet? Ease of use? Usefulness? Enjoyable?
  Mark Used the applet? Used other tools? 1 - watchin demo in class, 2 - looking at Cispace help pages, 3 - watching the video tutorials, 4 - asking others, 5 - exploring on own, 6 - others 1 = very difficult, 5 = very easy 1 = not useful at all, 5 = very useful 1 = not at all, 5 = very
Participant 1 98 yes  no 1, 5 4 5 4
Participant 2 78 yes  no 1, 5 4 4 4
Participant 3 87 yes no 1, 4 5 4 4
Participant 4 100 yes no 1, 5 4 5 3
Participant 5 78 yes no 1,5 3 4 2
Participant 6 75 yes no 1,5 2.5 3.5 4
Participant 7 95 yes no 1,5 5 5 5
Participant 8 74 yes calculator 1,5 4 4 3.5
Participant 9 100 yes book, slides, ta 1,5 4 4 4
Participant 10 91 yes calculator 5 5 4 3
Participant 11 85 yes no 1,5 3 4 3
Participant 12 95 yes  no 1,5 5 4 3
Participant 13 75 yes no 2,5 5 5 5
Participant 14 63 yes no 1,5 4 5 4
Participant 15 95 yes  no 1,4,5 5 4 4
Participant 16 75 yes no 1,5 3 4 2
Participant 17 75 yes no 1,5 4 5 4
Participant 18 100 yes  no 1,5 2.5 3 2
Participant 19 92 yes calculator 1,5 4 5 5
Participant 20 82 yes no 1,5 5 4 2
Participant 21 85 yes no 1,4,5 4 4 4
Participant 22 78 yes no 1,5 5 3 4
Participant 23 100 yes no 1,5 5 5 4
Participant 24 80 ofcourse no 1,5 5 5 5
Participant 25 68 yes no 1,5 4 4 5
Participant 26 62 yes no 1,5 3 5 4
Participant 27 62 yes no 1,5 5 5 4
Participant 28 90 yes no 1,5 5 5 4
Participant 29 85 yes calculator 1,5 4 3 3